Monday, January 14, 2013


I think I'm going to start blogging again...

"Perseverance is about as important to achievement as gasoline is to driving a car. Sure, there will be times when you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, but you’ll always get out of the rut with genuine perseverance. Without it, you won’t even be able to start your engine."

How about blogging the life of Amy Tsui? Maybe one day my life story will inspire many others, which already has. :)

I have been working on Herbalife as a career for more than 2 years. My growth from nothing to now something, but when life becomes a little more comfortable then before, that's where many people stay stagnant. I'm just human, no different for me in this case as well. I come to this point where I feel lost, for quite awhile now.

Today I decided to go to WXS, no matter customer or no customer, action to do or non. Hoping to absorb some positive energy. People have started to come out from Holiday mood it seems, lunch hour is brimming with people now. Received and unexpected call for a reorder from my customer, have definitely started my day happy. Then I sat down, wondering what's next, back to phone activity, hoping that I'll manage to fish someone up for lunch in that short period of time. Then Yann walk pass and asked about me, how am I doing so far. "I've seems to have lost the fire in me." was the words she said that bought me near tears. She gave me a big hug, encouraged me, shared with me her experience, she had been many years in Herbalife, she has been lost too, many times. Even her, the women who had so many energy in her, always brimming with this cheery bright and lively aurora with her, had moments too. Then I know I'm not alone.

Time to stand back up!

One of the things I love being a Herbalife distributor is that everyone can be your mentor, even if you're not in their organisation, whatever you do will not benefit them in any way, they will still help you and bring you up. She's one my inspiration, Yann Yip. I <3 Her

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Guess who's back, back again...

What have I been doing recently after MIA-ing for oh-so-long...

Have been busy until a friend ask me to continue blogging my knowledge so here goes the year report. :D
I have helped the world become lighter by a few kilos...

Firstly helping my friend, Mister Tan Thiam Wei
Lose 35kgs in 7 months

Before Herbalife, he was 120kgs near 125kg. Just because I introduced him Herbalife, being a guy he was stubborn to go on as so call diet to him (In fact Herbalife is just fast-healthy-food). He choose to exercise. So we went on a bet, he do whatever exercise he thinks suit him and I take Herbalife, If my fat percent ratio wins him, he'll go on the shakes...

So guess what...? ONE MONTH LATER I WON THE BET! (of course! if not he won't be in the picture) Don't get me wrong, it's not that exercise doesn't work for weight loss, it does but just 30%, the rest of the 70% still boils down to the food that you eat!
So the rest of the story goes... in that 7 month he join a contest call Weight Loss Challenge and the first time he won $1000 emerging as top, second time he joined came in 1st runner up winning $500 and the third time he joined again he topped the contest and won another $1000!

For more information about the weight loss challenge I talked about check out:

Next up, I helped my dearest MUM
Lost 10kgs in 3 months

In the beginning my mum was very skeptical, she didn't believe in the product. Until she tired on the product herself. Before Herbalife she used to be a coffee addict, couldn't live without coffee, if not she'll have migraine attacks, and she don't drink water, so at first I added a little nescafe into the shakes for her and ironically as a daughter, I taught and 'forced' my very own mother to drink water...(should it be another way round...? Mums should educate children to drink more water...haha) anyway, days pass by 1 week later she said she can blend better shakes, so I leave it for herself to explore the recipes, she stop adding nescafe into her shake and you know what... she came and told me one day: "Girl are I have no more headache..." I lost her for a moment, like ok so...? The my mum started sharing to everyone that she DON'T NEED coffee to solve her migraine problems anymore! AMAZING! All thanks to Herbalife, she now loves the product so much!

This little girl Maisie,
I met her on the first she said is not her that wants to lose weight, it's her friend, in the end, her friend doesn't want to take the shake, so instead she took it and voola! She shape up and became prettier as her complexion improved too!

And a few others like Aurelius,
another weight loss challenge champion.

And another guy name Aik Hong
Lost 8kgs in 2 months, tummy GONE and the best part is...

He introduced Herbalife to his friend Sugene,
and she started shaping up so much, just one first week she lost 2kgs!

The best part is does not stop here...
This does not just occur in Singapore...
Herbalife is an International Company

From our neighbouring country, Malaysia
Let me introduce you to Fazlin

Who lost 6kgs in 3 months!

Thereafter Fazlin helped her sister, Liyana.

lost 5kgs in 5 weeks!

Ain't Herbalife just amazing? It's is just small me and I have helped so many others. And my journey has just began... Hop on with me. NOW IS THE TIME!

To earn some part-time income check out:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Hello COOL people out there!

I'm back! Have been MIA-ing for super duper long, WHY?

Cause I'm proud to present to you my first ever Nutrition Club, proudly opened for month now, located at this premium place at Tanjong pagar, where we get busy bees in the office to try an alternative for lunch, instead of the regular cha bee hoon, cha kuay tiao, curry rice, chicken rice, all those full of nothing but carbs and fats food. Why not just get healthy and try our 3 course meal...

Our Appetizer: The Aloe Drink

(Helps to cleanse our intestines, Detox and enhance the absorption of the main course)

The Main Dish: The Shake of the Day
(When everyday our body is screaming for 114 nutrients, how much can you satisfy your body needs? Just one cup settles everything, best part is as the proud young chef there, my dish is special everyday. ;)

Tea: free flow
(Best thing is when you finish one cup, you actually burn the amount of calories that equals to 4 rounds, so how many round can you do?)

I shall not indulge too much, come and find out for yourself, this place is amazing for relaxing, where all the happy people are. Just a special privilege to my readers, if you go there looking for me, Amy Tsui, you'll get a FREE WELLNESS EVALUATION!

WellnessXperts Studio
173A Telok Ayer S068622
"Your Health, Our Priority"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Too shock seeing my before and after photos? It's time I put up new pictures. It's been a really busy week ahead! I enjoyed my weekends party in Kuala Lumpur~ and let the picture show you all...

I want to share more pitures, but it's simply TOO much, catch it on facebook! A BIG EVENT at the START to the year, It's not just the only one. The best part about being in Herbalife is there is always a BIGGER event and it's gonna be a different experience, be there with me, see it with your own eyes, you may catch what I couldn't catch. :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hey friendly readers! It's about time i blogged! Have been kinda busy recently and especially when lots of holidays are coming up, everyone wants to look good and sexy for Christmas and New Year!! Wooooo~~ and it's about time I show my face and my recently taken photos!

I LOVE BLUE! Just kidding. See the me on the left? kinda cute chubby and cute right? xD

Did I mention that is in August 2010?

Well not like i didn't try exercising and dieting. Obviously I just went tanning, played volleyball and i love to jog, no doubt i did lose some weight exercising, but somehow the chubbiness just doesn't seems to go AWAY! Sounds familiar? DIETING is horrible, it was because of some incident, I lost appetite. But I'm someone who LOVES to eat, CHOCOLATE and CHEESE stuffs are the FIRST on my FOOD list! I SIMPLY CAN'T RESIST FOOD!!!!

Chubby still never mind lei, somehow when I jog, I notice that people DO NOT yawn! Why do I say that? Cause I thought, yawning while jogging it's normal, at least for me, it has always been this way... I didn't know I was the ABNORMAL one, yawning while jogging, anyone saw people like that while working out? Or someone out there like me? :D
Plus I have BAD BAD BAD sinus since I secondary school, every morning tissue non-stop using, have to clear my nose once i wake up.

After changing to a healthy breakfast, I notice my energy improve in the first few days... AMAZING. Then I finally had a chance to exercise, I notice I DID NOT YAWN, my stamina increased, I can run longer distance! I'm finally a normal girl! And my sinus problem have gradually improved a lot. First month I've LOST 2 KGS, I'm excited enough already!! Aren't you! Moreover I haven't been a good girl, sometimes take some times don't take, imagine if I went serious?!

I went for this photoshoot last month November 2010. :D now, not only cute and also sexier and more importantly HEALTHIER!! All thanks to HERBALIFE!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Attaining a healthy dream

A real life story from Taiwan

Wanna attaining a healthy figure? Please contact me at +65 9235 4501 or email me at

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Almost everyone knows breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but...


Do you take breakfast?

What kind of breakfast do you eat?
- Important meal means need to eat a lot? ARE YOU SURE you are eating the correct breakfast? How sure are you?

This post is more special, I would only like to help people who is interested in helping me to do this survey, most importantly input your contact numbers so that i can help you to do a PERSONAL ANALYSIS. LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! It's would be also nice if you would pass this on to your friends too! Thank You!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.