Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cute isn't it? But have you given a thought about his future?

Have you ever wondered, what it would be like if you step into a club, you take a look on the left and then on the right, everyone is F.A.T. What you saw is on the outer side, it may seems funny to you, laugh at each other and say "Hey! How much fatter can you grow?" But have you seen what is inside a fat person?

It sometimes puzzled me when a person doesn't care about what is happening to his/her body. From some Singaporeans "Die then Die lorh!", "Live life marh, enjoy lah, why care so much?". So does enjoying means living a shorter life? Have you thought about your family? Your Love ones? Do you want to leave them so early? Are you sure they are ready for it? There are just simply too many questions i want to ask these 'negative' people. What is the rate of people being obese nowadays?

Why can't we live a healthier, longer and a more meaningful life?

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