Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hey friendly readers! It's about time i blogged! Have been kinda busy recently and especially when lots of holidays are coming up, everyone wants to look good and sexy for Christmas and New Year!! Wooooo~~ and it's about time I show my face and my recently taken photos!

I LOVE BLUE! Just kidding. See the me on the left? kinda cute chubby and cute right? xD

Did I mention that is in August 2010?

Well not like i didn't try exercising and dieting. Obviously I just went tanning, played volleyball and i love to jog, no doubt i did lose some weight exercising, but somehow the chubbiness just doesn't seems to go AWAY! Sounds familiar? DIETING is horrible, it was because of some incident, I lost appetite. But I'm someone who LOVES to eat, CHOCOLATE and CHEESE stuffs are the FIRST on my FOOD list! I SIMPLY CAN'T RESIST FOOD!!!!

Chubby still never mind lei, somehow when I jog, I notice that people DO NOT yawn! Why do I say that? Cause I thought, yawning while jogging it's normal, at least for me, it has always been this way... I didn't know I was the ABNORMAL one, yawning while jogging, anyone saw people like that while working out? Or someone out there like me? :D
Plus I have BAD BAD BAD sinus since I secondary school, every morning tissue non-stop using, have to clear my nose once i wake up.

After changing to a healthy breakfast, I notice my energy improve in the first few days... AMAZING. Then I finally had a chance to exercise, I notice I DID NOT YAWN, my stamina increased, I can run longer distance! I'm finally a normal girl! And my sinus problem have gradually improved a lot. First month I've LOST 2 KGS, I'm excited enough already!! Aren't you! Moreover I haven't been a good girl, sometimes take some times don't take, imagine if I went serious?!

I went for this photoshoot last month November 2010. :D now, not only cute and also sexier and more importantly HEALTHIER!! All thanks to HERBALIFE!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Attaining a healthy dream

A real life story from Taiwan

Wanna attaining a healthy figure? Please contact me at +65 9235 4501 or email me at

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Almost everyone knows breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but...


Do you take breakfast?

What kind of breakfast do you eat?
- Important meal means need to eat a lot? ARE YOU SURE you are eating the correct breakfast? How sure are you?

This post is more special, I would only like to help people who is interested in helping me to do this survey, most importantly input your contact numbers so that i can help you to do a PERSONAL ANALYSIS. LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! It's would be also nice if you would pass this on to your friends too! Thank You!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Who wants a sumo wrestlers' SIZE?

Who are the one who always thought that to lose weight you have to eat as little as possible, skip breakfast, exercising on an empty stomach...? Think again after reading through this post.

And who are the ones that always entertains? Having alot of friends eating with you, drinking beer with meals, eating the largest meal of the day closest to you sleep time? Well have fun reading on...

Lastly for those who feels tired after taking a heavy meal, feels sleepy especially after lunch time, loves to slop somewhere and nap for awhile... think before u fall asleep!!

A Sumo wrestlers diet
A healthy man is thought to have a BMI (Body mass index) of 18. The BMI of a professional sumo wrestler is rarely found to be below 45. The sumo wrestlers diet and lifestyle is the key to this exceptionally large weight and despite the general opinion of most people, this is acheived through very rigorous eating and sleeping strategies rather than a mass endulgence in foods with high fat content.

Eating the largest meal close to sleeping

The average daily intake of calories for a man is 3000 - 3500. A sumo wrestler consumes 20,000 calories a day, split between two very large meals of 10,000 calories each. By sleeping after a meal of 10,000 calories a sumo wrestlers body is able to process them slowly for storage (as fat).
Skipping breakfast

This may seem illogical in respect to gaining weight, however according to Dr. Wayne Callaway, obesity specialist at George Washington University, skipping breakfast can not only trigger overeating later in the day but can also cause a drop in metabolism. It was found in research that people who skip breakfast, like sumo wrestlers, have a 5% lower metabolism than those who don't skip breakfast. This is because by comsuming calories, our body uses more energy to digest and absorb the food.

Drinking beer with meals

With some beers containing over 200 calories per pint, consuming it with food helps sumo wrestlers to gain even more calories. Sumo wrestlers will easily consume 6 pints of beer per meal. Alcholic drinks are known to be 'empty calories', meaning that they have absolutely no nutritional value except for providing energy, which means that it will be stored as fat.

Exercising on an empty stomach

Although exercise does increase metabolism, exercising on an empty stomach will in fact lower your metabolic rate in the long term. This is because your body tries to conserve as much fuel as possible by rationing what's available.

Have a sociable meal

Researchers have found that by eating with others and socializing we tend to consume more food because it takes us longer to get full. As sumo wrestlers are literally stuffing their stomachs to their limit with each meal, the more food and calories they intake, the more fat will be stored.

Having a nap after lunch

Sumo wrestlers commonly sleep for four hours immediately after lunch. As mentioned, this allows more of the calories to be taken on and stored as fat in the body rather than being used as energy.

To give a feel for the number of calories that are mentioned in this article, there are approximately 3500 calories in a pound of body fat - equivalent to around 10 hours of walking.

So how does a sumo wrestler comsume 20,000 calories a day?

All sumo wrestlers eat a Japanese dish called Chanko-nabe. This is a type of stew and contains large quantities of protein sources such as chicken, fish and tofu as well as masses of vegatable and vegetable which contain huge amounts of calories.

Unfortunately the average life expectancy of a sumo wrestler is between 60-65 years old (some 10 years younger than than the average Japanese male). This is mainly down to their lifestyle causing illnesses such as diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, arthritus and high blood pressure.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Facial workshop

This week has been fun-filled with facial lesson.... let the picture tell us all

Me, before (shy)
Halloween mask
And me after... tah dahh... it sort of made my eyes looked bigger, fairer and more hydrated as my skin is normal to dry type.

This is Jazz doing half of his face.
Results: The RIGHT side of HIS face (our left view from the picture), is obviously fairer and lifted up.
I went back home and scrub papa's hands with the exfoliating scrub, only with the scrub can see the difference between papa's left and right knuckles. On YOUR right which is my papa's left knuckles is the fairer nicely scrubbed knuckles. :D

Of course there is other product with the set of NouriFusion like cleanser, toner, moisturing mask, clarifying mask, night cream, day cream...

Personally i feel to troubled using so many facial stuffs, but my favourite is this exfoliating scrub!

Made with all natural ingredients, with strawberry and raspberry seeds and papaya extract, it smells DAMN nice!

NouriFusion™ MultiVitamin Exfoliating Scrub helps you achieve a healthier, more vibrant complexion. Exfoliation helps remove dry and dead skin cells that can result in ashy, mottled-looking skin. MultiVitamin Exfoliating Scrub gently but thoroughly sloughs off older cells, allowing fresh, new skin to emerge.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Believe in yourself; your body can do wonders

If one day you go to a clinic to do a body check or just some minor consultation on a bad cough, flu, headache or fever. But your doctor tells you, you only have a few months to live... *silence* "Are you KIDDING DOC?!"

I have not had all the fun in life.
Life can be so unfair, you may think, but have you review what you did in life that leads to this. How have you been treating your body? Smoking? Getting drunk? Too much fast food/ unhealthy food? Not getting enough rest? Over stress?

But it's too late isn't it?
There is always a saying about prevention is better that cure. But action speaks louder than words. How many people have tried preventing themselves from being sick? What is the ratio of people who cares about their own health compared to the ratio of people who is ignorant or just simply does not care. I make a bold guess that the ratio of people who cares:people who doesn't cares/don't know (1:30) ? For the majority, I guess you would not wake up until someone around you pass away suddenly or you, yourself received a bomb from your doctor.

So how many people would start planning their own funeral and how many people would do whatever it takes to regain back their health?

The selfish people, would start planning to leave their love ones. So good luck to you in achieving your dreams in the short period of time span left.

For the hopeful people, who would start treatment and drugs. Some information for you people, what drugs can do is to suppress, for lucky people they recover, but if you go back to the same lifestyle over again, the second time you may not be so lucky anymore...

So back to prevention... the moment you start taking drugs, it's cure already, you are suppressing the illness it is NOT prevention. It would be prevention if you are looking at it in a twisted way that it prevents you from dieing earlier. TRUE prevention is WAY before the illness is even developed, you might not know it, toxin accumulates in your body, slowly your body show sign, by then it is too late.

We all know oxygen is essential for life BUT yet oxygen is also inherently dangerous to our existence. Research into oxidative stress (caused by free radicals). Oxidative stress is the underlying cause of almost all of the chronic degenerative disease and aging. Conditions that contributes to the increase to free radicals that the body produces, such as pollutants in our air, food and water; excessive stress, poor exercise habits and etc...

I believe most of you have already heard of this thing called antioxidant, so other than anti-aging process do you know that antioxidants are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular damage?

Firstly you have to know that free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction, like dominoes. Their chief danger comes from the damage they can do when they react with important cellular components such as DNA, or the cell membrane. Cells may function poorly or die if this occurs. To prevent free radical damage the body has a defense system of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are molecules which can safely interact with free radicals and terminate the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged. Yes, our body itself can produce antioxidants, but we are fighting a losing battle against all the hazy (pollutants in the air), smoke, alcohol, stress, unhealthy diet and the list goes on...

But we always can have reinforcements from the food we eat. But do you know what exactly to eat? DEFINITELY NOT anything you can find in a fast-food restaurant!! Although there are several enzyme systems within the body that scavenge free radicals, the principle micronutrient (vitamin) antioxidants are vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Additionally, selenium, a trace metal that is required for proper function of one of the body's antioxidant enzyme systems, is sometimes included in this category. The body cannot manufacture these micronutrients so they must be supplied in the diet.

So believe that your body an heal itself, BUT you have to give the right nutrition (vitamins, minerals, and more) the body requires on a DAILY basis. Why on a daily basis? Nutrition is no magic, it's common sense, you breathe everyday, oxidative stress occurs everyday so you have to protect yourself everyday!

Resources on antioxidant and free radicals:

This book inspired me to write this post: "What you doctor doesn't know about NUTRITIONAL MEDICINE may be KILLING YOU" - Ray D. Strand, M.D.

Written by a Doctor, this book has amazing information about how our body can actually heal itself. I have not finish reading it, yet I'm so inspired already, this book only cost S$9.90. You simply have to get it.

Favourite quotes from the book itself:

"All I ask is that you be an open-minded skeptic - the kind of seeker I was when I first discovered this wondrous form of preventive medicine. I had to humble myself a bit to learn that even though I was a good doctor I had much to learn about health. Are you willing to do the same?"

Physicians are disease- and drug- oriented, we spend most of our time and effort trying to identify a disease process so we can prescribe a drug or treatment plan for our patient.

Doctors simply wait until patients develop one of these diseases and then begin to treat it.

Nutritional medicine is common-sense, mainstream, preventive medicine.

Taking nutritional supplements is not about eradicating disease; it is about promoting vibrant health.

They look to modern medicine as their savior and to medications as the cure. Sadly, only after they become ill do patients realize how ineffective our treatments actually are.

The health-care community prides itself on promoting preventing care. But have you ever given that approach much thought? Physicians certainly do encourage patients to have routine physicals in order to maintain their health. But on a closer look into doctors' helpful recommendations quickly leads one to the conclusion that they are simply attempting to detect disease earlier. Think about it. As I've mentioned physicians routinely perform pap smears, mamograms, blood work and the physical exam primarily to see if any silent diseases already exist in their patients. What has been prevented??

True prevention: Empowering patients to avoid getting some of these major disease in the first place is true prevention.

Last sneak preview...
Over the past seven or eight years, I have taken a different attitude: I use medication as last resort - not as my first choice. I have been amazed at how many of my patients are actually willing to become more proactive with their health if even a slight chance exists that they could avoid taking any medication. Oh, sure, I still have those patients who do not consider changing. For them, I still have the drugs.

Doctor Ray D. Strand offered a priceless gift to improve the quality and quantity of life. The world need more doctors like him. :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Is beer the cause of beer bellies?

One day I happened to watch " What's good for you" and this episode caught my attention and so here goes...

Look around any pub and you'll see a familiar sight — they're big, gorgeous and all their own work ... beer bellies!
Take these three blokes from Melbourne: Warren, Mark and Mick. You don't develop beer bellies like theirs without some pretty dedicated drinking.

Beer lover Warren: "Just come off a pretty solid weekend of, well, let's call it binge drinking. It was fun, it was probably a good 35 to 40 pots.

Forty pots in one weekend! That can't be good.

What about his mate Mark? "When at the pub it's nice to have some chips or some nuts …"

Health food, that's bound to help.

Mick: "I don't know what these guys are complaining about. They don't have a gut between them."

Oh Mick, surely that lager's making you larger and that stout must be making you stouter?

Or is it?

"I do drink beer. I like beer," says our gut guru, Melbourne GP, Dr Harry Hemly.

"A beer belly is the accumulation of fat around the midriff, which is really associated with the too much intake of the fats and carbohydrates."

But what about beer? It's time for our reporter Michael Slater and the boys to step up for some serious research.

The test

Michael: "My challenge is to drink two beers a day to see if I put on weight. We already know my waist measurement is 84 cm. I'm putting my trim, taught and terrific figure all on the line for this show."

There can't be many better challenges for a bloke. But for our three amber-loving amigos, life's no longer going be a barrel of laughs. Not a beer barrel anyway! They've agreed to give up the golden nectar for a fortnight and see what happens to their waistlines.

Dr Harry's agreed to play referee and of course, the guys will be sticking to their regular diet and exercise routine.

Time for the weigh-in and the all-important girth test.

Warren weighs in at 105 kilos and is an even 100cm round the middle.

Dr Harry: "Wow, that's a pretty good sized belly there."
Warren: "Yeah, well it's all paid for!"

Mark's the lightweight of our trio at 65 kilos and a modest 95cm waistline.

Harry: "You're sucking it in mate."
Mark: "Don't know what happened there."

Mick's got the most to lose. At almost 101 kilos, he's a match-winning 114cm round the belly!

Harry: "Beautiful, we have a winner."

Dr Harry records the vital statistics, so there'll be no argy-bargy later on.

So Michael will be struggling to bravely down two beers a day. While in the ladies lounge, it's Shirley Temples all round for the next two weeks for our beer trio.

Will our boys' kegs shrink to six packs?

Meanwhile, while Michael tries to keep up with his part of this important study, he has discovered that he might be doing his body some good. "I'm forcing down two beers a day, but it turns out, far from giving myself a beer belly, I might actually be doing myself some good. You see, there's a chemical in beer called xanthohumol that researchers now believe helps fight both heart disease and some cancers. I'll drink to that," says Michael.

Dr Peter Rogers has been in the beer research game for many years and is the man who can tell us more about xanthohumol.

"We know, through recent scientific reports, that it has an effect on cancer and it will reduce the tumour formation in small animals. In cell culture it will inhibit and it will kill cancerous cells. So everyone is now very interested in xanthahumol," says Dr Rogers.

The only problem is, the average Aussie beer doesn't contain enough to do you any good. Blokes like Peter are working on it, but as it stands, you'd need to drink 17 pints to get a medically effective dose. Kind of defeats the purpose, unless someone can prove that beer's a diet drink.

Well, hold on to your pint pots! This bloke reckons it is!

Dermot O'Donnell is a master brewer: "I've been drinking beer for 40 years and I'm still relatively trim … in fact, beer has actually got less calories than skim milk and probably only half the calories of wine," says Dermot.

Less calories than skimmed milk? Hope none of our three temporary teetotallers Mick, Warren and Mark, have replaced beer with skinny milkshakes!


Two weeks later, it's judgement day.

The all-important weigh-in and waist measurements are about to begin. It's the same routine as two weeks ago.

Weight before: 104kg
Weight after: 107kg

Warren's actually gained three kilos. And not surprisingly, his waist is bigger too.

How's Mark fared? He's the opposite of Warren, he's lost a kilo.
Weight before: 65kg
Weight after: 64kg

He's also shed an amazing 9cm worth of beer belly!
Mark's waist before: 95cm
Waist after: 86cm

Now Mick used to drink well over the odds:
Waist before: 114cm
Waist after: 103cm

"Just goes to show you what a couple of weeks off the beer will do for you," says Dr Harry.

Better still, his ample belly has shrunk by an impressive 11cm!

So Mick's lost some belly, Mark's looking sharp, but Warren's put on weight. Hardly what you'd call definitive is it?

Now it's Michael's turn with the tape measure:
Waist before: 84cm
Waist after: 84cm

So it's pretty much the same.

"So that means, for me and probably for most people, that two glasses is allowed," says Michael.

"Two glasses is maybe even healthy for you — to drink a couple of glasses of beer or wine a night — but no more than that," says Dr Harry. You heard it folks!

Two beers a day will do you good and won't lay waste to your waistline.

So what is it about beer that makes it associated with beer bellies? "Beer tends to be an appetite stimulant so people often eat meat pies and all sorts of other unhealthy foods — rather than eating healthy foods — and the kind of foods you tend to get in the places that sell beer. The kinds of food they sell aren't necessarily the most healthy kinds of foods," says Dr Harry.

And that's a typical night in the pub — couple of beers, bag of chips, some salty nuts — it all adds up. Just don't blame the beer if you pack on some padding!

But you still have to take it easy.


So, recommended beer intake: two beers a day for men, one for women — because excessive consumption can lead to cardiovascular and other health risks. With all that on board, it's time to declare an official end to the beer drought!

So there you have it — in moderation, beer is one of the good things in life we can enjoy and benefit from without a downside.

But remember, no more than two glasses a day for blokes and one for women.


Fast facts

Now here's a question you might like to ponder next time you're ordering a beer. Which is better for your health? Light coloured beer or dark? Most beers contain significant numbers of nutrients, but as a general rule, the darker the brew the more nutrients it contains.

So what really causes beer bellies?

Let's start by saying that there are people who don't drink beer and walk around with a huge beer belly, and there are people who do drink beer yet remain slim. So beer in itself isn't some evil brew that causes our belly to inflate.

Having one is in fact caused by a calorie surplus which leads to the accumulation of fat on the torso. The reason why men have more beer bellies than women, is that women tend to gain weight mostly in the thigh and pelvic area, while men tend to gain weight in the abdomen. But even if you don't drink beer at all, other fatty and non-healthy food may cause a beer belly to appear.

Even though beer isn't the only possible culprit, it is detrimental to your health and weight. The reason is simple: beer is a high calorie beverage, filled with empty calories which our body can do very little with besides turn into ugly fat. A glass of beer can contain 146 calories, which is a lot. Since many people consume more than 1 glass each drinking night, the calories can add up.

Other negative things about beer which may cause it is that beer makes us hungry and usually makes us eat a lot of snacks like pretzels or nuts. This increases further our calorie consumption and the accumulation of abdominal fat.

Beer also makes out blood sugar levels to drop, causing us to feel lethargic. This leads to general inactivity which means that we burn less calories than we should. The less we burn, the more prone we are to having a beer belly. The best way to get rid of it is to first realize what it is in your lifestyle which may be causing your beer belly and to put an end to those things. If it's beer drinking, switch to light beers and cut down on the amount. If it's something else, make the necessary adjustments.

The Health Risks of a Big Belly

Carrying extra fat around your midsection is extremely dangerous, as people with large bellies are at a higher risk of dangerous visceral fat, which can infiltrate your liver and other organs, streak through your muscles and even strangle your heart.

According to the Mayo Clinic, extra belly fat can lead to:


•Some types of cancers

•High blood pressure

•Sleep apnea

•Abnormal lipids -- high triglycerides and low HDL ("good" cholesterol)

•Insulin resistance

•Metabolic syndrome

So whether you are a man or a woman, losing excess weight around your belly is much more than a cosmetic issue; it's a health issue.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

This week i've been to a digestive health talk - by Dr huang

Our digestive tract is one of the largest of all our body systems, it extends approximately 30 feet long from mouth to anus!

When we eat food such as rice, bread, meat and vegetables, they are not in a form that the body can use as nourishment. Our food and drinks must be changed into smaller molecules of nutrients before they can be absorbed into the blood and carried to cells throughout the body. Digestion is the process by which food and drinks are broken down into smaller parts so that the body can use them to build and nourish cells as well as to provide energy.

The digestive system plays an important role in keeping us healthy. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that we maintain a healthy digestive health.

In Singapore Statistics:

1) About 80% of people suffer from constipation at some time during their lives...
2) The average Singaporean diet is below the recommended 25 to 20 grams of fibre...

So what cause poor digestive health?
-Low dietary fibre intake (stools are not bulky enough to stimulate bowel moevement)
-Inadequate fluid (causing the stools to be dry and hard)
-A lack of physical activity and exercise (causing weak intertinal activity)
-Side-effect of some medications (including some painkillers and iron tablets)
-Metabolic problems
-Change in diet
-Environmental changes
-Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement (due to work or social activity)

Consequence of a poor digestive system:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
A common functional gastrointestinal disorder interferes with the normal functions of the large intestine (colon). Symptoms are associated with the colon and including bloating, cramping, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea.

A condition in which bowel movements occur less often than usual which consists of hard dry stools that are painful or difficult to pass.

Constipation may be due to combination of several factors, for example, not getting enough fluids (especially water), or from a diet that does not include an adequate amount of fiber-rich food.

A feeling of fullness during a meal, uncomfortable fullness after a meal, or pain in the upper abdomen. Indigestion is common in adults which occurs once in a while of as often as everyday.

A common digestive diease particularly found in the large intestine. The most common symptom of diverticulitis is abdominal pain. If infection is the cause, symtoms such as nausea, vomiting, feeling hot while having no fever, cramping, and constipation may occur as well.

Colon cancer
The cancer of the large intestine (colon) and rectal cencer is cancer of the last 6 inches of the colon which are often referred to as colorectal cancers. Colorecatal of colon cancer is the most common form of cancer occurring in adults in Singapore. It is the 3rd most deadly cancer in the world. Some symptoms of the colorectal cancer are: blood in the stools and change in bowel habits, abdominal pain and a anaemia which is in the form of a lump in the abdomen.

cardiovascular diseases e.g. coronary heart disease and Diabetes

So you've seen the causes and consequences of a poor digestive system. You need to know th Importance of having a healthy digestive system

The condition of a person's digestive system can significantly affect their overall health as our digestive systems play a primary role in keeping us healthy. When problems occur, it can have a major negative impact on how we feel and how our body reacts.

One such major problem is when the body might not be able to absorb enough nutrients from food, which may cause the person to suffer from a number of different problems. If such are left untreated, it may escalate into more serious conditions. Hence, it is important dor us to maintain good dogestive health for a better well-being.

HOW to have a good digestive system??

. More dietary fibre intake (25g to 30g)
. Adequate fluid intake (recommended 8 cups of water daily/ 2Litres of water)
. Sufficient leisure time
. Regular exercise
. Eat less red meat
. Eat a healthy and well balanced diet
. Eat more vegetables and fruits daily (2 serves x 2 portions daily)
. Reducing alcohol intake
. Quit smoking
. Achieve and maintain body weight within the normal range

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Do you know our body actually require 114 nutrients every single day?

What are nutrients for?

Essential nutrients in the body are for cells growth, maintenance and repair.

Nutrients provide energy to allow your body to function efficiently.

Nutrients along with fiber and WATER are essential for good health.

Vitamins and minerals are needed for macronutrients to control the release of energy from food.

Vitamins are organic substances, it activates enzymes, which are proteins that acts as catalysts to speed up biological reactions that take place in your body.

Our body produces a certain amount of vitamins D and K, but all other vitamins come from our diet and supplements.

To work correctly, 114 nutrients the body needs each day. Both our food and nutritional supplements should provide the full range of nutrients:
• Macro-nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats
• Micro-nutrients: vitamins, minerals and trace elements
• Phyto-nutrients: nutrients of plant origin

It is ALMOST impossible to achieve that, to eat so much vitamins, minerals and all that our body requires for optimum performance. Optimum performance means to wake up in the morning feeding enough energy to take each day with clear thoughts to the management of our challenges effectively.

Nutrients from food are absorbed by the body as it passes through the digestive system. But basically if we have to "eat" 114 nutrients through food, before we achieve optimum performance we would have achieve the ultimate body size. ;)

(the 4th benefit) all together it's less than 200 calories!
I don't know where the hell can i find anything better than this...


Monday, October 4, 2010

Sleep wrong and you'll feel the bad fat

Over the last few decades, people all over the developed world have been getting fatter, pointing fingers at a variety of causes, from longer work-weeks to stress to fast-food and inactivity. But, there may be another far more pervasive contributor. Sleep.

SLEEP'S effect on fat is becoming clearer. Having too much or too little piles on the worst kind of fat. In fact, a good chunk of your weight gain, moodiness and brain-fog may be due to your sleep habits.

People under 40 gained 1.8 Kg more on average if they got less than 5 hours of sleep per night than if they slept for 6 or 7 hours. Those regularly sleeping for more than 8 hours gained 0.8 Kgs more than the medium-sleep group.

CAT scans revealed increases in visceral fat, which accumulates around the internal organs and is particularly dangerous to health.

Lack of sleep makes you ravenous:
According to a December 2004 University of Chicago study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, partial sleep deprivation alters your level of hunger hormones, making you not only hungrier all day, but seriously jonesing for calorie-dense, high-carbohydrate fare.

Lack of sleep makes it harder to exercise:
When you wake up tired, it is increasingly more difficult to find the motivation and energy to exercise, which, as you progress through life, is mission critical in your ability to not only lose weight, but maintain weight loss. This sets up a vicious cycle of lack of energy that leads to lack of exercise that fosters a poorer sleep that leads to lack of energy. At some point, you need to just dive in and make an exercise intervention.

Lack of sleep dramatically increases your risk of obesity:
Research by the University of Warwick linked sleep deprivation with an near doubling in the chance of becoming obese. More recently, a 2007 University of Michigan study revealed a strong correlation between childhood obesity and lack of adequate sleep (9-hours). Every additional hour of sleep in 6th-grade decreased a child’s likely of being overweight by 20%, while every additional hour of sleep in 3rd-grade decreased the risk of being overweight in 6th-grade by a whopping 40%. A University of Texas at Houston study similarly showed the odds of obesity in adolescents increased 80% for each hour of lost sleep. And, things don’t get better any as we get older, more stressed, less active and sleep even less.

So, how much sleep does it take to go from buff to puff?

As we’ve seen, not a lot. And, the effects can be cumulative, so if you don’t sleep well for a week, then sleep late one Saturday to try to make up for it, you’re still going to be at a net loss. So, it seems pretty clear that sleep plays a role in weight. That would be enough to motivate many people to work on their sleep habits. But, wait, there’s more!

Lack of sleep melts your brain.

Adding insult to injury, it seems lack of sleep not only makes you fat, it may also may you dumb…or at least temporarily dopey! In fact, a growing body of research reveals a serious drop in cognitive function with even small amounts of sleeplessness.

Lack of sleep make you less discerning:
A 2007 study presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies revealed a serious drop in the ability of airport screeners to detect high-risk items. And, that problem worsened at the participated slept less.

Lack of sleep decreases cognitive function & memory:
Much of what we learn during the day is processed and integrated while we sleep. So, when we disrupt our sleep, we mess with not only our ability to form memories, but to understand and utilize new information. This leads to poorer performance both at work and in school. Dr. Avi Sadeh of Tel Aviv University recently studied the effects of a slightly shortened sleep period in 4th and 6th graders. After three days getting just 30 minutes less sleep, the average 6th grader had the cognitive function of a 4th-grader. A second study from the University of Minnesota revealed the Average A-student got 36 more minutes of sleep than the average D-student. Moved by this and other evidence, the high school in Edina, Minnesota pushed its start-time from 7:30am to 8:25am and saw a jump in SAT scores from the top 10% of students from 1288 to 1500. Yes, you read that right!

So, we’ve seen the impact of even modest loss of sleep on weight and brain function, but what about mood?

Lack of sleep brings out your inner-ass.

By, now, this should come as no surprise. When you don’t get enough sleep, it can make you downright nasty. Yes, sleep can effect your mood big time! I could roll out the studies here, too. But, honestly, this is the effect that most people can easily validate through their own experience. I know when I find myself getting angry or having a shorter fuse, less likely to laugh or just not upbeat, I can pretty much always tie it to a lack of adequate sleep.

Top 5 tips to help you sleep better.

The evidence is pretty powerful. Lack of sleep can, indeed, make you fat, nasty and dumb. The question is, what do you do about it? And, while the best option is absolutely to see a sleep professional, here are a few other options you might want to explore and put into action today:

Exercising 3-6 hours before going to sleep increases your body temperature and there is some evidence to suggest that the gradual decrease in temperature that follows help lull you into sleep. A Stanford University School of Medicine study of 55 to 75 year old sedentary individuals who struggled with insomnia revealed that adding 20-30 minutes of exercise every other day cut the time needed to fall asleep in half and increased sleep time by nearly one hour. Plus, it’ll help discharge a lot of daytime stress and anxiety and we all know how important it is to overall health.

Alcohol & caffeine.
Simple. It takes about 2-hours to metabolize an ounce of alcohol, so try to limit intake to no more than one drink at least 2-hours before bedtime. Caffeine metabolizes far more slowly. a large cup of coffee could take up to 15 hours to fully metabolize, so the general rule is no caffeine after lunch.

Go to sleep at a consistent time.
Establish a consistent sleep time and make it a strong priority to keep to that time, even on weekends. Over time, this helps train your system to expect and accept sleep more readily.
Develop a routine. Along the same lines, create a specific bedtime routine that you can repeat every night before retiring. This helps program your mind the ease into sleep more readily.
Use the bedroom only for sleep and nookie. We tend to anchor certain psychological and emotional states with people and places. If you use your bedroom for work, entertainment and a wide variety of other activities, then you associate being in the bedroom with being awake and, potentially, with stress. But, if you only use your bedroom for sleep and “pre-sleep” enjoyment that almost always leads to sleep (at least for men), over time, you will begin to link a state of calm with simply being in the room. This will help you drift off more readily.


another interesting source:

I know i put my handphone number here but please, please, PLEASE do NOT call me at some unearthy hour (SGT 11pm - 8am ). Some bugger called me at 2.30am and woke me up, after i hanged up the phone and cleared my mind for awhile i got so damn freaking pissed at the inconsiderate asshole who fucking wake me up from my sleep i practically couldn't not fall back to sleep until 3am++ Then i started cursing and swearing and hoping that the retarded ass have nightmares everynight after yesterday, for waking me at such hour, disturbing my good night's rest.
So after all this research and ranting, i'm off to sleeppppp. GOODNIGHTS WORLD.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Smart Food!

Listen to the buzz about foods and dietary supplements and you'll believe they can do everything from sharpen focus and concentration, to enhance memory, attention span, and brain function. But do they really work? There's no denying that as we age chronologically, our body ages right along with us. The good news? You can increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain -- if you add "smart" foods and beverages to your diet.

Caffeine Can Make You More Alert

There's no magic bullet to boost IQ or make you smarter -- but certain substances, like caffeine, can energize and help you focus and concentrate. Found in coffee, chocolate, energy drinks, and some medications, caffeine gives you that unmistakable wake-up buzz -- though the effects are short term. And more is often less: Overdo it on caffeine and it can make you jittery and uncomfortable.

Sugar Can Enhance Alertness

Sugar is your brain's preferred fuel source -- not table sugar, but glucose, which your body metabolizes from the sugars and carbohydrates you eat. That's why a glass of something sweet to drink can offer a short-term boost to memory, thinking processes, and mental ability. Consume too much, however, and memory can be impaired -- along with the rest of you. Go easy on the sugar so it can enhance memory, without packing on pounds.

Protein & Brain Function Connection?

One of the great benefits of protein is that it generally makes you feel satisfied longer than carbohydrates and fats. Eating a diet rich in lean and low-fat protein is good for weight loss and overall health -- though it's hard to draw a connection with brain function.

Fish Really is Brain Food

A protein source associated with a great brain boost is fish -- rich in omega 3 fatty acids, essential for brain function and development. These healthy fats have amazing brain power: higher dietary omega 3 fatty acids are linked to lower dementia and stroke risks; slower mental decline; and may play a vital role in enhancing memory, especially as we get older. For brain and heart health, eat two servings of fish weekly.

Add a Daily Dose of Nuts, Chocolate
Nuts and seeds are good sources of the antioxidant vitamin E, which is associated with less cognitive decline as you age. Dark chocolate also has powerful antioxidant properties, and contains natural stimulants like caffeine, which can enhance focus and concentration. Enjoy up to an ounce a day of nuts and dark chocolate to provide all the benefits you need without excess calories, fat, or sugar.

Add Avocados and Whole Grains
Every organ in the body depends on blood flow, especially the heart and brain. Eating whole grains and fruits like avocados can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and enhance blood flow, offering a simple, tasty way to fire up brain cells. Whole grains, like popcorn and whole wheat, also contribute dietary fiber and vitamin E, while avocados have fat -- but a good-for-you, monounsaturated fat that contributes to healthy blood flow.

Blueberries Are Super Nutritious

Research in animals shows that blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Studies also show that diets rich in blueberries significantly improved both the learning capacity and motor skills of aging rats, making them mentally equivalent to much younger rats.

Benefits of a Healthy Diet

It may sound trite but it's true: If your diet lacks essential nutrients, it can decrease your ability to concentrate. Eating too much or too little can also interfere with your ability to focus. A heavy meal may make you feel lethargic, while too few calories can result in distracting hunger pangs. Benefit your brain: Strive for a well-balanced diet chock full of a wide variety of healthy, wholesome foods.

Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements?

Store shelves groan with supplements claiming to boost health. Although many of the reports on the brain-boosting power of supplements like vitamins B, C, E, beta-carotene, and magnesium are promising, they're inconclusive. Researchers are cautiously optimistic about ginseng, gingko, or vitamin, mineral, and herb combinations and their impact on the brain. A daily multivitamin is OK, but check with your doctor before taking other supplements.

Want to power up your ability to concentrate? Start with a meal of 100% fruit juice, a whole grain bagel with salmon, and a cup of coffee. In addition to eating a well-balanced meal, experts also advise:

Get a good night's sleep.
Exercise to help sharpen thinking.
Meditate to clear thinking and relax.

Aren't there simply too much to digest?
Too much to think of what to eat.
Too many benefits, too full to consume them all?

What about this? It takes 2 minutes to prepare, contains all the good nutrition in just a cup which only cost S$3.50.

So you don't have to think too much of what to eat to get the focus and concentration required.
Don't have to waste too much time preparing the tables of food.
Don't have to spent too much buying all the foods that contains the nutrition that this single cup provides.
Don't have to eat too much food including the excess of carbohydrates and fats.

That makes you TOO fat.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Do you experience "thunderstorm" every night?

Does the person beside you sleeps like a baby or do you have to cover your head with a pillow every night? Do you experience thunderstorm in your room everynight or you could hear loud noises from your parents room?

What causes snoring?
Snoring is the sound produced by vibrating structures of the upper airway, typically during inhalation. It may be a symptom of a sleep disorder (obstructive sleep apnea), but just because you snore does not automatically mean you have one. It’s averaged that anywhere from 30-50% of the population snores at one time or another.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by snoring, labored breathing and repetitive obstructed pauses or gasps in a person's breathing during sleep. The obstructed pauses result from complete obstruction or blockage of the airway and may be associated with decreases in oxygen levels.

There are many causes of snoring:
-Nasal obstruction (structural)
-Obstruction coming from the throat and the back of the mouth (structural)
-Smoking not only leads to relaxation of the throat muscles but it also will lead to congestion of the nose increasing the air passage obstruction.
-Drinking alcohol near the time you goes to bed will lead to decrease in the muscle tone and loss of the air passage patency.
-Some medication like sedatives will inhibit the brain centers and let you fall into deep sleep with less muscle tone so throat relaxation and causes snoring.
-Also some food like milk and diary products if eaten near bed time will work like those medication.
-Men usually snore more than women and their snoring is more severe.

What does all this have to do with obesity? It was recently discovered that our paranasal sinuses produce a lot of nitric oxide. When nitric oxide is inhaled through the nasal airway, it gets into the lungs and increases the amount of oxygen that gets into the blood that is circulating through the lungs. The clearer the nasal passages, the more nitric oxide will be inhaled into the lung tissue. Hence, the more efficiently the oxygen will be absorbed via the lungs into the body vasculature, which then delivers the oxygen to all body cells.

Obesity often causes sleep apnea and snoring, which indicates a blockage of nasal airways. The nitric oxide delivery to the lungs then is reduced, as is oxygen absorbed through the lungs. Lowered oxygen levels in the body signal that the tissues need more blood to supply the oxygen. The physiological response is to raise the blood pressure to increase blood flow and improve oxygen supplies to tissues. Hence, high blood pressure occurs because nitric oxide isn't getting into the lungs effectively.

Well, snoring not only affects your partner and your family members, it may also affect yourself.
How we wish we and our snoring partners could all sleep like a baby. Some people die in their sleep is not beacuse it is a peaceful way of dieing, there are also young people who died in their sleep, it is because of sleep apnea, whereby nitric oxide is the lowest during sleep and not enough oxygen is going into their heart.

What do we have here to help?

This product is really A W E S O M E!

The Niteworks™ Food Supplement was
developed by Herbalife in collaboration with
Nobel Laureate Lou Ignarro PhD who has
dedicated his life to researching the life
enhancing properties of Nitric Oxide.

Herbalife teamed with Dr. Lou Ignarro, Nobel Laureate in Medicine, to develop this refreshing lemon-powder mix that helps your body create more life-supporting Nitric Oxide (NO) during the night when NO levels are naturally lowest.*† Niteworks® uses a unique blend of amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline to trigger your cells to produce and recycle more NO, helping to support the health of your blood vessels by increasing their elasticity.* Nitric Oxide supplementation can provide a cascade of benefits including improved circulatory, immune and nervous system functions.* Rich in vitamins C and natural vitamin E. Drink Niteworks® each night to support cardiovascular health.* Includes taurine for added cardiovascular health benefits.*

Keeps blood vessels toned, flexible and youthful for improved circulation.*

Helps to support healthy blood pressure levels already within the normal range.*

Supports energy, circulatory and vascular health.*

Enhances blood flow, which ensures blood efficiently nourishes the heart and tissues of the entire body.*

Resources: *

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A big pot of pork belly ramen soup from crystal jade~

I eat alot, and i'm still losing body fats! Amazing! :D

Just because I'm drinking this in the morning.

The words on the Today paper:

A Headstart
Smoothies are possibly the
best pre-workout snack.
They provide hydration and
are easily digested.

I dun like strawberry flavour, so i drink mine with DARK chocolates. ^.^

Chocolate is made from plants (cacao tree), which means it contains many of the health benefits of dark vegetables. These benefits are from flavonoids, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body from aging caused by free radicals, which can cause damage that leads to heart disease. Dark chocolate contains a large number of antioxidants (nearly 8 times the number found in strawberries). Flavonoids also help relax blood pressure through the production of nitric oxide, and balance certain hormones in the body.

Dark chocolate is good for your heart. A small bar of it everyday can help keep your heart and cardiovascular system running well. Two heart health benefits of dark chocolate are:

•Lower Blood Pressure: Studies have shown that consuming a small bar of dark chocolate everyday can reduce blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure.
•Lower Cholesterol: Dark chocolate has also been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) by up to 10 percent.

Chocolate also holds benefits apart from protecting your heart:

•it tastes great!
•it stimulates endorphin production, which gives a feeling of pleasure
•it contains serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant
•it contains theobromine, caffeine and other substances which are stimulants

You can never find this picture anywhere as it comes out from my Final-Year-Project on of the presentation slides.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blaming obesity on your mum and dad?

So growing up in the culture we are brought up upon, made us whiny and becoming Mr/Mrs Blame-it-all. So I am fat, it is not my fault, blame it on my parents! Whatever they eat, I eat, they feed I eat, eat and eat and eat.

Oh! So now the scientist discovered fat genes (Ob gene/ FTO) so all the F.A.T people push the blame to the genes? Which comes from heredity too, go on blame it! My mum's genes, my daddy's genes, my grandma's, grandpa's genes, my great-grandma, great-grandpa, great- great- great- great- and never ending line of ancestors (whom you never even seen them before). Did you ever blame yourself for not practising self control?

That is WHY you are still FAT and DEPRESSED.

This girl in the video, she has the fat genes, but she is not "allowed" to be a fat kid, neither will she "allow" her kids to be fat. So it all boils down to your character. So come on, don't be shy, admit it. It's the first step to slimming down and toning up.

Oh My God, if you can't handle the truth, then, who are you?

If you are overweight it's not because of your genetics, it's because you haven't treated your genes the way it is supposed to be treated, unless you wanted to BE overweight. Is there any living prove around you, of some being too fat at a point in their life, but transform on way of another the next time you saw them? It's not magic, neither it's the genetics. It's the same gene, but the fact that they condition themselves, they treat themselves with the right food and the amount of exercise, they change they way they treat their genes. Stop blaming, just take the responsibility! It is all under control. You have the ability, you have the capability, YOU have the potential.

Finding yourself always munching on food? Can't help feeling hungry all the time? A little itch on the mouth? :) Maybe you need a little help? How about Total Control?
Total Control is a weight loss management system with supplements made by Herbalife. Purported to work on a cellular level, the Herbalife website states that the Total Control weight loss system will curb appetite, increase metabolism, and increase the breakdown of fat in the body thereby resulting in weight loss. Check it out:

Resources on fat genes:

Resources on heredity:

Monday, September 13, 2010

How about bathing your internal body for once?

We bathe, every day, even twice or thrice a day. But can we bathe our intestines?

Our intestines are the part of our body, responsible for digestion. Our intestine (small and large intestine) begins at the stomach to the end at the anus which is almost 25 feet long ( 5 TIMES OF YOUR BODY). The small intestine is responsible for the digestion of our food and the large intestine is involved in the elimination of digestive waste products.

Imagine 3 meals a day, 21 meals a week goes into your body. All the food get clogged in the villus of your intestines. It feels just like not bathing for a week!! Or even more... Imagine you have never ever taken a bathe before.... Ewwww...

The small intestines is the site where most of the nutrients from the food we eat gets absorbed. The inner wall of the small intestine is lined with villus. The function of each villi is to increase the amount of surface area available for the absorption of nutrients.

The small intestine needs to be clean and functioning properly in order to process and absorb the nutrients from our food into the blood vessels. Mucus congestion happens often due to improper food combination, lack of digestive enzymes, overeating and the consumption of processed foods and junk foods. The amount of food and waste particles coat and clog our villi, packing them like concrete, blocking the absorption of good nutrients causing toxicity problems, nutrient deficiency and many chronic illnesses. (kidney stones, gallstones, arthritis, gout... etc, etc)

The large intestine (colon) is the body's sewer system. Not only do our internal toxins and waste products end up in the colon, they must exit through the colon. A person who goes to the toilet only once a week to do "big business" is a very constipated person, he/she is can be described as full-of-shit (literally 20 meals/portion of shit stuck in the body). The symptoms of a congested colon include bloating, distended stomach, sluggishness, pain or a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, being prone to illnesses and unclear thinking. Anyone who has a chronically sluggish colon typically suffers from discomfort and low energy.

How can you "bathe" inside?

-Get regular exercise to stimulate the muscles in the intestines.
-Drink 3-4 Litres of water a day.
-Include probiotics in your diet. Sources include yogurt, yakult, cheese, miso soup and supplements.
-Be sure you're getting enough dietary fiber, which comes from fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans.
-Eat fresh fruits and vegetables everyday. Their enzymes help digest our food and are natural cleansers for the small intestines.
-Aim for one bowel movement a day. If you do suffer from constipation, try increasing your water intake and exercise before going for the laxatives.
-Take laxatives on an as-needed basis. Daily use of laxatives do not give the body a break, it just makes us laxative dependent. :(
Some even better choice then laxative, all natural product.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Today a friend shared with me his method of losing weight, "fasted cardio".

Theory: Blood sugar levels are low when you are in a fasted state (after going all night without eating) which targets more fat burning.

Question: Exercising on an empty stomach (usually morning after waking up), will it lead to accelerated weight loss?

So i did a research, typing "exercise on an empty stomach". So this is what i found.

Studies shown that fat burning does not start until you are 20 minutes into you cardio workout. Meaning the 1st 20 minutes of cardio you do is "warming up", then your body starts metabolizing fats. If you don't have a good source of fuel to sustain you, you would get tired more easily leading to a shorter workout session and burning lesser calories. Critics also say you may burn muscle if you don't have the necessary fuel for you workouts.

Disadvantages of exercising on empty stomach…
Likely to get a shorter and less effective workout, due to:
Unnecessary fatigue
As a result, you burn less calories because you can’t keep going as long as you should have been able to.
It’s also the thought that exercising on an empty stomach, you can eat more after the workout.

Benefits of eating before you workout:
Helps energise your workout, boost recovery and strength gains
Prevents low blood sugars, which can make you feel dizzy, nauseous, and lethargic
You can exercise more intensely and sustain longer
Your workout will be more enjoyable overall (since you are not thinking about eating the whole time)
Can boost your recovery time

Exercising for weight loss: Plan of Action
Don’t worry about the time of day – just go with what fits your schedule
Do cardio training three days each week
Do strength training three days each week
Train in hard, short bursts
Eat regular meals and snacks containing carbs, protein, fruit and veggies
If exercising in the morning, have a healthy breakfast/light snack (100-200 calories)

The bottom line is, my friend, it is up to you and the type of workout you are doing. Some people are fine doing cardio without fuel in the morning. Other people workout so early, they may not have time to eat anything. The best thing to do is, do what works for you, every single person is different. Don't go hungry just because you think you are burning more fats. After all, if you cut the workout session short/ lower the intensity because of low enegy, how much fats are you burning anyway?

And if you do eat before a workout, make sure you give your body time to digest. The larger the meal, the longer time you will need. If you choose a light snack (100-200 calories) you can probably exerie after about 30-60 minutes.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Does eating breakfast helps you lose weight?

If you think skipping meals would help you lose weight, FAT hope! People who takes breakfast would lose weight even FASTER then people who skips breakfast.

The key to successful weight loss is to burn more calories than we consume. Activities like sports and exercise can help burn calories, but the body’s metabolic rate(BMR) is also an important factor which determines the rate at which calories are burnt. Metabolic rates are at its peak during the day when we are active and on the go. At night time, the body is in a state of rest and the metabolic rate slows down.

The first meal of the day, breakfast, is essential to get your metabolism going. If you skip breakfast, your blood sugar levels will stay low. This in turn causes a feeling of lethargy. People who skip breakfast tend to be slow and dull when compared to those who eat this very important meal.
If you skip breakfast, chances are you will binge when you have lunch or dinner. Instead of losing weight you will find yourself gaining, this theory comes from a campfire, imagine small meals are small pieces of logs and big meals are big pieces of log and the fire indicates the rate of calories you are burning. When you feed the campfire big piece of log at a time, it takes time for the fire to burn, but if you constantly feed it with small pieces of log, the fire will burn wildly.

Not just skipping breakfast, eating the right kind of breakfast is also important. After 8 hours of sleep, your body has finish using up all the nutrients in your body and once you wake up, your body is starving, then whatever you feed yourself with, your body will just absorb. Like those yummy local breakfast like Roti Prata, Fried Bee Hoon, Nasi Lemak, Bread? All those high in calories and low nutrition breakfast.

Now that you know the importance of eating breakfast, make it a point to eat a little something when you start your day. A simple and healthy breakfast can be prepared in no time.

The yellow portion indicates that the body have too much sugar, it will be converted and store as body fats.

The red portion indicates that your body is going through a state of hunger, when your tummy starts to rumble and after whatever your eat, it will be store straight to your organs, these fats are called visceral fats (hidden fat).
Body fats are fats that are under your skin, they make you look disgustingly fat and "un-sexy". Visceral fats are the dangerously hidden fats, fats surrounding your heart and your internal organs. Imagine if you have alarming layers of fat covering your heart, will you have a heart attack anytime? Layers of fats in your blood vessels, blood cannot flow though, causing high blood pressure, blood vessels will be blocked anytime. So much fats that it went into your brain pressing on some nerves thus stroke might occur anytime. Scary enough?