Monday, September 20, 2010

Do you experience "thunderstorm" every night?

Does the person beside you sleeps like a baby or do you have to cover your head with a pillow every night? Do you experience thunderstorm in your room everynight or you could hear loud noises from your parents room?

What causes snoring?
Snoring is the sound produced by vibrating structures of the upper airway, typically during inhalation. It may be a symptom of a sleep disorder (obstructive sleep apnea), but just because you snore does not automatically mean you have one. It’s averaged that anywhere from 30-50% of the population snores at one time or another.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by snoring, labored breathing and repetitive obstructed pauses or gasps in a person's breathing during sleep. The obstructed pauses result from complete obstruction or blockage of the airway and may be associated with decreases in oxygen levels.

There are many causes of snoring:
-Nasal obstruction (structural)
-Obstruction coming from the throat and the back of the mouth (structural)
-Smoking not only leads to relaxation of the throat muscles but it also will lead to congestion of the nose increasing the air passage obstruction.
-Drinking alcohol near the time you goes to bed will lead to decrease in the muscle tone and loss of the air passage patency.
-Some medication like sedatives will inhibit the brain centers and let you fall into deep sleep with less muscle tone so throat relaxation and causes snoring.
-Also some food like milk and diary products if eaten near bed time will work like those medication.
-Men usually snore more than women and their snoring is more severe.

What does all this have to do with obesity? It was recently discovered that our paranasal sinuses produce a lot of nitric oxide. When nitric oxide is inhaled through the nasal airway, it gets into the lungs and increases the amount of oxygen that gets into the blood that is circulating through the lungs. The clearer the nasal passages, the more nitric oxide will be inhaled into the lung tissue. Hence, the more efficiently the oxygen will be absorbed via the lungs into the body vasculature, which then delivers the oxygen to all body cells.

Obesity often causes sleep apnea and snoring, which indicates a blockage of nasal airways. The nitric oxide delivery to the lungs then is reduced, as is oxygen absorbed through the lungs. Lowered oxygen levels in the body signal that the tissues need more blood to supply the oxygen. The physiological response is to raise the blood pressure to increase blood flow and improve oxygen supplies to tissues. Hence, high blood pressure occurs because nitric oxide isn't getting into the lungs effectively.

Well, snoring not only affects your partner and your family members, it may also affect yourself.
How we wish we and our snoring partners could all sleep like a baby. Some people die in their sleep is not beacuse it is a peaceful way of dieing, there are also young people who died in their sleep, it is because of sleep apnea, whereby nitric oxide is the lowest during sleep and not enough oxygen is going into their heart.

What do we have here to help?

This product is really A W E S O M E!

The Niteworks™ Food Supplement was
developed by Herbalife in collaboration with
Nobel Laureate Lou Ignarro PhD who has
dedicated his life to researching the life
enhancing properties of Nitric Oxide.

Herbalife teamed with Dr. Lou Ignarro, Nobel Laureate in Medicine, to develop this refreshing lemon-powder mix that helps your body create more life-supporting Nitric Oxide (NO) during the night when NO levels are naturally lowest.*† Niteworks® uses a unique blend of amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline to trigger your cells to produce and recycle more NO, helping to support the health of your blood vessels by increasing their elasticity.* Nitric Oxide supplementation can provide a cascade of benefits including improved circulatory, immune and nervous system functions.* Rich in vitamins C and natural vitamin E. Drink Niteworks® each night to support cardiovascular health.* Includes taurine for added cardiovascular health benefits.*

Keeps blood vessels toned, flexible and youthful for improved circulation.*

Helps to support healthy blood pressure levels already within the normal range.*

Supports energy, circulatory and vascular health.*

Enhances blood flow, which ensures blood efficiently nourishes the heart and tissues of the entire body.*

Resources: *

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