Monday, September 13, 2010

How about bathing your internal body for once?

We bathe, every day, even twice or thrice a day. But can we bathe our intestines?

Our intestines are the part of our body, responsible for digestion. Our intestine (small and large intestine) begins at the stomach to the end at the anus which is almost 25 feet long ( 5 TIMES OF YOUR BODY). The small intestine is responsible for the digestion of our food and the large intestine is involved in the elimination of digestive waste products.

Imagine 3 meals a day, 21 meals a week goes into your body. All the food get clogged in the villus of your intestines. It feels just like not bathing for a week!! Or even more... Imagine you have never ever taken a bathe before.... Ewwww...

The small intestines is the site where most of the nutrients from the food we eat gets absorbed. The inner wall of the small intestine is lined with villus. The function of each villi is to increase the amount of surface area available for the absorption of nutrients.

The small intestine needs to be clean and functioning properly in order to process and absorb the nutrients from our food into the blood vessels. Mucus congestion happens often due to improper food combination, lack of digestive enzymes, overeating and the consumption of processed foods and junk foods. The amount of food and waste particles coat and clog our villi, packing them like concrete, blocking the absorption of good nutrients causing toxicity problems, nutrient deficiency and many chronic illnesses. (kidney stones, gallstones, arthritis, gout... etc, etc)

The large intestine (colon) is the body's sewer system. Not only do our internal toxins and waste products end up in the colon, they must exit through the colon. A person who goes to the toilet only once a week to do "big business" is a very constipated person, he/she is can be described as full-of-shit (literally 20 meals/portion of shit stuck in the body). The symptoms of a congested colon include bloating, distended stomach, sluggishness, pain or a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, being prone to illnesses and unclear thinking. Anyone who has a chronically sluggish colon typically suffers from discomfort and low energy.

How can you "bathe" inside?

-Get regular exercise to stimulate the muscles in the intestines.
-Drink 3-4 Litres of water a day.
-Include probiotics in your diet. Sources include yogurt, yakult, cheese, miso soup and supplements.
-Be sure you're getting enough dietary fiber, which comes from fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans.
-Eat fresh fruits and vegetables everyday. Their enzymes help digest our food and are natural cleansers for the small intestines.
-Aim for one bowel movement a day. If you do suffer from constipation, try increasing your water intake and exercise before going for the laxatives.
-Take laxatives on an as-needed basis. Daily use of laxatives do not give the body a break, it just makes us laxative dependent. :(
Some even better choice then laxative, all natural product.


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